Nuvest Real Return Fund
Nuvest Real Return Fund was launched July 2012 with the seed capital of GIC. This proven investment process targets annual returns of 4-5% above US inflation (or 8-10% in USD terms) with low volatility in all economic conditions. The Fund is a global multi-asset portfolio with 3 distinct features:Active Asset Allocation across a globally diversified portfolio using a proven Market Risk Indicator framework and judgement based on deep market experience.
Emerging Market Focus as emerging markets provide an important source of long-term returns. We actively identify good investment opportunities from both a top-down and bottom-up perspective.
Alternative Strategies enhance the portfolio’s capacity to generate risk-adjusted returns by harvesting non-traditional sources of returns with low correlation to traditional asset classes. These include harvesting of risk premia (such as value, momentum, carry), relative-value market neutral strategies and volatility arbitrage strategies.